Administrator User Guide

Learn how to use your Administrator account.


Administrators are the core of your ApprentiScope experience. They allow you
to manage all aspects of your Registered Apprenticeship programs from one place – on any
device.  Administrators can manage occupations and users (Apprentices, Mentors &
Supervisors), create user cohorts, conduct performance evaluations, track wages, and much more. Data like time logs, course grades, evaluation scores, wage
increases, and more can all flow from your other users directly to you, eliminating manual data entry and making your life much easier.  In the following pages, we will walk through the primary features in the Administrator account and how to use them.

Note: Sponsors can authorize or disable various functions.  If you have any questions, please Submit a Support Ticket.


The Dashboard is the sites' default screen and provides an overview of your program and is broken into 4 sections

  • Work Summary - shows how many of your apprentices are missing time submissions for the week, how many performance evaluations are due, and how many wage increases are scheduled for the current month. competencies/requirements you've completed

  • Occupations section - displays an abbreviated list of your occupations
  • Supervisors - displays an abbreviated list of your supervisors and/or a shortcut Get Started button to begin inviting users
  • Account Information - displays general account information

To access the rest of the site, you will use the Toolbar, in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, or the blue Navigation Bar, on the left-hand side of the screen.

Toolbar - includes:

  • Notifications (red alarm icon) - view in-app notifications from all users
  • Account Menu (name and/or picture) - general account information, preferences
  • HELP - support articles and ticket
  • QR Code Icon - track RTI course attendance check in and check out

Navigation Bar - includes:

  • Providers - create, edit and review data on your RTI/education providers
  • APPRENTICES - manage all apprentice-specific functions 

  • Applicants - manage all applicant-specific functionality
  • Cohorts - create and review apprentice cohorts
  • Occupations - view and edit occupation details
  • Evaluations - create custom evaluations to be conducted by your employer users on apprentices or your apprentices
  • Reports - run standard and custom aggregate reports on your apprentices
  • Tasks - view tasks assigned to you by sponsors
  • Manage - manage all platform users and send recurring reminders
  • Invite - invite platform users

Toolbar - Notifications (bell icon)

Click the bell icon to view notifications, which provide a summary of what has happened while you were away. You can view the related content by clicking the notification.  Click the X to the right of the notification to delete it.


Toolbar - Account Menu (name and profile picture)

The Account Menu is reached by clicking on your name and allows you to: access your profile information, request a feature, and navigate to our Support Center, which provides tutorials and FAQs for the site.  You also can review our Privacy Policy by clicking the blue link.               

Account Menu > My Profile

My Profile includes 3 tabs - general, account, settings - which are accessed by clicking the appropriate tab on the top of the Profile page.  Some administrators my see a 4th tab that will allow you to manage Permissions & Settings for other users.

  • General - view and edit your general account information & edit your email and phone, by clicking blue Edit Pencil in the top right corner

  • Account - verifications, authentication,  password, upload profile picture

  • Settings - set your screen mode (dark or light); set the notifications you would like to receive; and whether you'd like to receive texts for notifications, in addition to the in-platform notification and emails; click the toggle switch on the right to turn items on or off (blue means ON) 

Toolbar - HELP

The HELP button allows you to search our Knowledge Base (support articles), submit a support ticket, schedule training, or send us a message.  

Navigation Bar - Providers

The Providers tab allows you to create and track records for your education (RTI) providers.  Clicking on any provider allows you to edit their general information, view user metrics, and upload files relevant to them.

Navigation Bar - Applicants

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On the Applicants page (if applicable), you will be able to review applicants that have applied to any of your occupations. To view applicant details, simply click on their name and you will be brought to their Profile Details page, where you can review their experience and documents.  By clicking on the empty box next to any applicant, you will open an Actions drop-down button that will allow you to approve, select for review, or reject the applicant.  You also can filter applicants by their status - available, in review, approved, rejected.  

Navigation Bar - Apprentices

The Apprentices tab opens a second drop-down that includes Overview, Work Summary, Journals, Performance, and Wages.  Each initial page provides a different look at the apprentices in your organization from the perspective of the recurring functions that as an administrator you might most likely need to perform.       

Apprentices > Overview

On your Apprentices > Overview page, you can view a list of your apprentices across all of your occupations, submit OJT & RTI hours on behalf of those apprentices, and generate batch reports. To begin to log hours on behalf of an apprentice, simply click the blue plus (+) button on the far right-hand side of any apprentice row and then click select Submit OJT or Submit RTI.  

Clicking into an apprentice also gives you access to manage the following for that apprentice: 

  • Wages - view wage information and, with authorization, approve wage progressions/increases
  • Grades - submit and view apprentice RTI grades
  • Tasks - create tasks for apprentices to complete
  • Case - allows you to track information not visible to the apprentice
    • create notes
    • track communications with your apprentice (and send individual custom reminders to apprentices)
    • track supportive services for apprentices (ex - grant monies)
  • Reports - track apprentice-specific records
    • upload apprentice documents 

Apprentices > Work Summary

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On the Apprentice > Work Summary page, you can view an in-depth breakdown of your apprentices’ progress for a weekly or monthly period. On the right-hand side of each apprentice, you’ll see either a Remind or Approve button. If the apprentice has submitted OJT or RTI time for the current period, you’ll have the ability to approve their hours by clicking the Approve button; if they have not, you can send them a reminder by clicking the Remind button.
Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 11.52.40 AMIf you’d like to generate a a summary report for all apprentices for the specified time period, simply click the Download Reports button and select the desired format.

Apprentices > Journals

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On the Journals page, you can view all of the journal entries that your apprentices have submitted to you (in order of submission date - most recent first). To view a journal entry in more detail and/or to submit a comment to it for the apprentice, click any entry, which will open the Journal Details page (below).  Authorized users can set a prompt for apprentice journals.

Apprentices > Performance

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On the Performance page, you can view submitted evaluations by and for apprentices and competency-based and custom evaluations that you need to conduct for apprentices (see Navigation Bar - Evaluations to create custom evaluations).  Click the blue Start Evaluation to conduct any evaluation requested by an apprentice, and view How to Conduct Technical Competency Evaluations on Apprentices for all methods of assessing apprentice competencies.

Apprentices > Wages

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On the Wages page, you can view the apprentices who are due for a wage increase.  By clicking the empty box next to any apprentice, you will then have the option to approve, deny, and/or customize the wage increase as needed. How to approve wage increases for apprentices.

Navigation Bar - Cohorts

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On the Cohorts page, you can create cohorts to track groups of apprentices and batch-assign supervisors. Cohorts are optional; however, they can be a great way to manage specific groups within an occupation or employer. To create a new cohort, simply click the Create Cohort button on the upper right.

Navigation Bar - Occupations

On the Occupations page, you can manage all of your apprenticeship occupations by editing existing occupations and creating new occupations. To edit an existing occupation, click on the occupation and navigate to the specific sub-tab you want to review or change.  To create an occupation, click the Create + button in the top right-hand corner. 

Navigation Bar - Evaluations

While competency evaluations are already pre-set for all Competency-based occupations, the Evaluations page allows you to create custom evaluations to be completed by apprentices or by you, supervisors, or mentors on their behalf. To create a custom evaluation, click the Create + button in the top right-hand corner.

Navigation Bar - Reports

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The Reports page is split into three tabs: Standard Reports, Custom Reports, and Saved Reports. The Standard Reports tab allows you to generate a variety of frequently used aggregate reports. The Custom Report allows you easily create custom reports.   The Saved Reports allows you to save the template for any custom reports created.

Navigation Bar - Manage Users

The Manage page is split into 3 tabs: Users, Invitations, Reminders. 

Users allows you to view all users that have an account within your organization and delete or deactivate users.  Hovering over any user will display three vertical dots at the end of their information row; click it to delete or deactivate the user.  Note: Please be careful if deleting or deactivating users. Deleting an account is permanent; no data is saved.  Deactivating an account ensures a user cannot log in; all data is saved and the account can later be reactivated. Your ‘Active Users’ count, which is used for billing, does not include deactivated users.

Invitations shows the status of all pending invitations that you have sent out.  To revoke an invitation or copy the direct link to an invitation, hover over any user and click on the three vertical dots that appears at the end of the user's information.

Reminders allows you to create recurring reminders to user groups within your organization and apprentices.

Navigation Bar - Invite 

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The Invite page is split into three tabs: Authenticated, Managed, and Public Links.

By clicking into the Authenticated or Managed users tab, you'll be able to add individual or batches of users. Adding users as Authenticated will immediately send them an email, granting them access to their ApprentiScope account and collecting key demographic data from them.  Adding users as Managed will not grant that user access to their account until you convert them to Authenticated in the future; no automatic data collection is possible through this process. 

Public Links are a great tool if you're looking to invite a large group of apprentices to the platform or want to create an applicant link you can embed in a job posting. Simply click the Create Link button in the upper right, and customize the link to fit your program's needs.

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Need further instruction? 

Click here to schedule a training session with the ApprentiScope team.