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How to Create a Reminder for a Participant

Learn how to create a custom Reminder for an individual participant.

User Types: Regulators, Sponsors Employer Administrators, Supervisors, Mentors & Providers


  • This article shows how to create a reminder for an individual participant. Only participants with authenticated accounts, meaning they have access to ApprentiScope, will receive reminders.  
  • See Overview: Case Communications & Communications for more communication options, including Tasks & how Regulators, Sponsors & Employer Administrators can create Batch Action Reminders or Recurring Reminders.
  • Pre-set reminders are available to remind participants if they have not submitted required OJT hours for a selected date range.  (see Overview: OJT Tracking).

Step 1: Navigate to Participants & the Participant Type You Need.

Step 2: Click on a Participant's Name and Select the Case tab.

Step 3: Within the Communications section, Click New+

Step 4: Select REMINDER as the Communication Type and Populate the Remaining Details

  • Reminder Communications are the only communication type that participants can see/receive.  All other Case Management Communications are viewable only to non-participants.
  • Participants will receive a notification to the email address they use for ApprentiScope and in-platform notification (alarm icon on their dashboard toolbar).  If they delete both, they will no longer have access to the reminder content.  
  • If you select a SEND DATE other than the current day, reminders will be sent out at 8 AM ET on the date set.

Step 5:  To Edit and Resend a Communication, hover over and click the listing.  Reset the information and change the Send Date.  When you click Update, a new notification will be sent to the participant.  

  • Note: The participant will have received both notifications only the later version will be documented.  If you want documentation of both, simply create a NEW communication-reminder. 

Step 6:  To Delete a Communication, click the 3 vertical dots to the right of the listing and click Delete.  


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