Participant Management covers the management of participant accounts by non-participants. It includes how to create, categorize & update participant accounts with profile & demographic data. It does not include how to manage & track program data.
Participant Management Functionality
- Participant Account Creation - Discusses the 2 approaches for creating participant accounts, the data required, and the pros and cons of both.
- Participant Account Assignments - Discusses the various program-related categories to which participants can be assigned, including occupations/programs, employers, supervisors, RTI providers, cohorts, and statuses,
- Participant Account Data Entry & Editing - Discusses the approaches for updating participant accounts, including their program categories & profile and demographic data.
Participant Account Creation
There are 2 types and processes for creating participant accounts.
- Authenticated Accounts - Invite participants to create their own authenticated accounts using ApprentiScope invitations or public links, either of which gives them immediate access to ApprentiScope
- Managed Accounts - Create managed accounts for your participants that you control, meaning they will not have access unless you give provide them access at a later time.
Participant Account Assignments
Each participant's account has a number of categories to which it must or can be assigned that can be edited or changed.
- Occupations & Employers - All participants must be assigned a user type, occupation/program, and employer. These assignment are handled directly through their account creation process (see Creating Participant Accounts). However, they can be edited.
- Supervisors, Mentors & RTI Providers - Participants can be assigned to supervisors, mentors, and/or RTI providers. These assignments will depend on who will need access to participant accounts and to what information participants may require access.
- Supervisors with ApprentiScope access only have access to participants who are assigned to them. Participants can be assigned to one or more supervisors.
- RTI provider can refer to the organization providing related technical instruction/coursework or actual instructors. If only 1 RTI provider organization exists for a program, no assignment is necessary. However, if multiple organizations provide instruction for the same program, the participants must be assigned to the correct one to ensure their platform provides them with the correct courses and any RTI instructor has access to the correct participants. Participants can be assigned to only 1 RTI provider.
- Mentors are automatically given access to all participants who are assigned to a specific occupation, so no participant assignment is required.
- How to Assign & Edit Participant Supervisor(s)
- Cohorts - Participants can be assigned to Cohorts to help organize participant groups. Each participant can be assigned to only one cohort.
- Program Statuses - Participants can be assigned to Program Statuses.
- Active - This is the default status assigned to all participants upon account creation.
- Completed - The participant has completed the program.
- Cancelled - The participant chose to leave the program.
- Suspended - The participant's program has been permanently or temporarily ended.
- How to Edit Participant Statuses
Participant Account Data Entry & Editing
There are 2 main ways to update participant account data, including categories, assignments & profile and demographic data.
Edit Individual Participant Accounts
- Each participant's account has a PROFILE DETAILS page, which includes a General tab.
- The General tab allows for the viewing & editing of all a participant's assignments, profile data, demographic data, and any custom data.
- Simply click the name of any participant to access their Profile Details page.
- How to Edit Individual Participant Account Data
Batch Upload & Edit Multiple Participant Accounts
- Data can be added and edited for 1 or multiple participants' accounts at once using the ACTIONS button on the standard PARTICIPANTS page.
- Simply select 1 or multiple apprentices using the white boxes next to their names and the ACTIONS button will appear at the top of the page.
- ACTIONS provides the following options:
- Batch Mark Statuses - Select a status to mark all selected participants to that status category simultaneously.
- Batch Edit Assignment & Profile Data - Select a data field and assign or edit the same input for multiple participants simultaneously.
- Batch Upload Assignment, Profile & Demographic Data - Download a csv that will allow you to input and upload, in full or part, RAPIDS demograhic data, PRIL data & supplemental/custom data for 1 or multiple participants simultaneously.
- How to Batch Upload & Edit Participant Account Data