How to Edit a Participant's Assigned Occupation

Learn how to edit a participant's occupation.

User Types: Regulators, Sponsor, Employer Administrators
  •  A participant's initial occupation is set as part of their account creation process.
  • Once an occupation is changed, all program data (OJT or RTI hour submissions, competency evaluations, etc) and existence of their presence in that occupation will be lost.  It is recommended that occupations be changed only if:
    • the participant has not yet accumulated any program data, and
    • no record of their existence in the original occupation is needed. 
  • Instead of changing a participant's occupation, their original account status can be changed and a new account profile can be created.  Participants can have more than one account profile in order to maintain their program existence and data in original occupation(s) while giving them a new one(s). See Step 4B below - Create a New Profile.  
  • Even if the original occupation data is not needed, Step 1 below is always recommended just in case.  It is the only way to retain the program data from a changed occupation, even if the occupations are similar.

Step 1: Before changing an occupation, export existing OJT & RTI hours via the Batch dropdown button on the participant's Profile Details page.

Step 2: Navigate to the participant's profile and click the pencil icon to edit the participant's occupation. 

Step 3: Click on the participant's occupation to change it.

Step 4A: Select Update Occupation to change a participant's occupation while losing all program data for the original documentation. 

  • Note: 4A Once clicked you will be able to select the new occupation from a drop down list provided. 


Step 4B: Select Create Profile in order to save the original occupation in full and create a new account and profile for the participant. 

  • Note: 4B - The participant will be able to access both accounts using the same login credentials and may be given access to only one or multiple accounts at any time. 

Step 4B: To Save the original occupation occupation in full 

Step 5:  To upload data exported (see Step 1) from an original occupation that has been changed, click Import OJT Hours or RTI Hours under Batch on the participant's profile details page.

  • Clicking either will provide a CSV Template for submission dates you enter and allow you to add hours into the new occupation for any OJT competencies or RTI courses that are the same as those in the original occupation.  


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