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  3. Custom Performance Evaluations

Overview: Custom Performance Evaluations

Custom Performance Evaluations covers how to create, complete & review evaluations designed to assess outcomes beyond OJT competencies.

Note: By default, all programs with OJT (on-the-job training) competencies have a pre-set Competency Evaluation for assessing participants' proficiency on each competency.  See Overview: OJT Tracking & Competency Evaluations for discussion of such evaluations. 

This article discusses Custom Evaluations, evaluations which can be created from scratch to assess broader program outcomes. 

Creating Custom Performance Evaluations

  • They can be created by regulators, sponsors & employer administrators who have been given authorization. 
  • They can Include multiple choice questions, with the ability to provide narrative comments for each answer, and/or short-answer questions.  The number of questions and answer options are unlimited and entirely up to the creator.   
  • They can be created to be conducted by a certain user type(s) who are give access to the evaluations.  And they are set to be conducted on a certain frequency (ex. monthly, quarterly, etc) by any user type given access.
  • They are attached to individual participant's records, so they can be used to have non-participants evaluate participants, or participants evaluate themselves, non-participants, or their programs.  They cannot be used to have non-participants provide general program information or evaluate other non-participants or programs without a direct connection to a participant. 
  • Custom evaluations with multiple choice questions are given an overall numerical "grade" based on the answer options provided. 
  • There is no limit to the number of custom evaluations that can be created.
  • How to Create Custom Performance Evaluations

Assigning Custom Performance Evaluations 

  • While both participants and non-participants will see evaluations they are given access to complete on their Performance page, it is recommended that they be notified of these requirements as well.  See the "Communications" section of Overview: Case Management & Communications for various options including Reminders, Recurring Reminders, and Tasks.   

Completing & Viewing Custom Performance Evaluations