User Types, Settings & Permissions covers the various user types for participant, non-participant, and applicant accounts on ApprentiScope; how access & permissions work for each type & who controls those permission settings.
User Types: Regulators, Sponsors & Employer Administrators
User Types
Everyone for whom an account is created on ApprentiScope must be assigned a user type as part of the account creation process. This is true even if the user is being given a managed account, meaning they have no platform access. The User Type determines whether and how other users can access and interact with an account &, if a user is given platform access, it determines their level of access & permissions.
- User types are broken down into 3 categories: non-participants, participants, and applicants.
- Non-Participants are those who oversee, operate & work for a program & include the following user types: regulators, sponsors, administrators, supervisors, mentors & providers.
- Participants are those enrolled in a program & include the following user types: apprentices, youth apprentices, pre-apprentices & learners.
- Applicants are those who have applied to enroll in a program. This user type is only available in contracts that include the Recruitment package.
- An ApprentiScope subscription type determines the top user type available.
- Regulator Subscriptions - Permit 1 regulator organization to oversee as many sponsor organizations as necessary, with each sponsor organization permitted to oversee as many employer organizations as necessary.
- Regulator users are the highest permission level user type for regulator subscriptions. They have access to all users & set their permissions, unless they delegate that role to the sponsor organizations.
- Sponsor users under regulator subscriptions only have access to users within their sponsor organization & employer organizations with whom they partner.
- Employer users under regulator subscriptions only have access to users who work for their company.
- Sponsor Subscriptions - Permit 1 sponsor organization to oversee as many employer organizations as necessary.
- Sponsor users are the highest permission level user type for sponsor subscriptions. They have access to all users and set their permissions, unless they delegate that role to employer organizations.
- Employer users under sponsor subscriptions have access to only users who work for their company.
- Employer Subscriptions - Permit 1 employer organization to oversee the full platform.
- Administrator users are the highest permission level user type for employer subscriptions. They have access to all users and set their permissions,
- Regulator Subscriptions - Permit 1 regulator organization to oversee as many sponsor organizations as necessary, with each sponsor organization permitted to oversee as many employer organizations as necessary.
- User types cannot be set above the subscription type (ex. regulator users cannot exist for sponsor contracts).
- See How to Determine User Types for your Program Personnel & Participants for a fuller discussion of each user type and recommendations for assigning your personnel and participants appropriately.
User Type Permissions
- Permissions control what users can see and do on ApprentiScope. Those permissions are based on a user's User Type. Each User Type has a default set of permissions that can be edited by a subscription's highest permission level user.
- Any change to a User Type's permission settings, changes the permissions for all users with that user type.
- The permissions available to each user type for toggling on or off vary but generally include the following categories:
- Occupation Management - creating, viewing & editing occupations
- User Management - creating, viewing & editing participant or non-participant records
- OJT (On-the-Job Training) Management - submitting, editing, approving & certifying hours and/or marking competencies as complete
- RTI (Related Technical Instruction) Management - submitting, editing & approving hours
- Evaluation Management - viewing, creating & conducting competency & custom evaluations
- Case Management - tracking internal notes & communications
- Wage Management - reviewing, approving & denying wage progressions
- Journals - submitting, viewing & commenting on journals
- Reporting - creating & viewing aggregate standard & custom participant reports
- Recruitment - viewing, accepting & rejecting applicants
- See How to View & Edit User Type Settings & Permissions for a fuller discussion of the permissions available for each user type and how to edit them.