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  3. User Types, Settings & Permissions

How to View & Edit User Type Settings & Permissions

Learn how to view & edit default permissions settings for each user type.

User Types: Regulators, Sponsors or Employer Administrators


  • For regulator subscriptions, regulator users set permissions for all users, or they can delegate this ability to each sponsor organization, allowing them to set permissions for their own sponsor, employer & participant users.
  • For sponsor subscriptions, sponsor users set permissions for all users, or they can delegate this ability to each employer organization, allowing them to set permissions fore their employer & participant users.  
  • For employer subscriptions, administrator users set permissions for all users.
  • See Overview: User Types, Settings & Permissions for a full discussion of how subscriptions, user types & permissions work.

Step 1: Click the Settings (Gear) icon in the Toolbar in the Upper Right Corner of teh Dashboard to Go to the Settings & Permissions page. 

File:Gear-icon.png - Wikimedia Commons


Step 2: On the Main Tab (USERS), Navigate between the Sub-Tabs to view and edit the Permissions for each User Type

Step 3: Use the toggle switches on the right to turn permissions off and on for the seletec user type.   Blue = ON.