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How to Determine Account User Types for Your Non-Participants & Participants

Learn how to determine the appropriate user types for all individuals involved with your programs.

User Types:  Regulators, Sponsors & Employer Administrators


ApprentiScope users (anyone with an account - whether they are given access to it or not) are broken down into 3 categories each of which has 1 or more User Types:

  • Non-Participants include regulator, sponsor, administrator, supervisor, mentor & provider user types.
  • Participants include apprentice, youth apprentice, pre-apprentice & learner user types.
  • Applicants - are their own user type & are only available for clients with the Recruitment package in their subscriptions.

Even if a user will not be given platform access, a User Type is needed to create an account for them.  That User Type determines their potential level of platform access & permissions - what they can see and do on the platform - and whether and how other users can interact with their account.

User Types are set by the top-level user for the subscription. 


Regulator Users - For a regulator subscription, this is the top-level user with full access to and control over all other users 

Sponsor Users - For a sponsor subscription, this is the top-level user with full access to and control over all the other users. 

  • If a sponsor user falls under a regulator subscription, they only have access to & control over their own sponsor organization's users and the employer users for whom they serve as a sponsor or intermediary.  They will not have access to users under other sponsor organizations and their employer partners or program participants.

Employer Users (3 options) 

Administrators - For an employer subscription, this is the top-level user will full access.  If they fall under a regulator or sponsor subscription, administrators will only have access to users under their employer organization.  

Supervisors - Work for a single employer and must be assigned to the participants whose accounts they will have access.   

  • Supervisors can be assigned to or given permission to self-select their participants from all participants at their employer.  If they are a user in a sponsor subscription, they can also be assigned to or given permission to self-select their participants from all participants at employers who fall under that same sponsor organization. 
  • Supervisors have more limited platform access & permissions than administrators.
Mentors - Work for a single employer and are assigned to a specific program offered by that employer. 
  • Authenticated mentors have access to all participants within that program and more limited access & permissions than administrators.

When assigning employer user types, we recommend considering:

  • the management hierarchy at each employer and who will be responsible for tracking and managing what information, and
  • the willingness & ability for various personnel to engage with the platform. 
  • Administrator is usually the best type for those who manage the full program & company personnel.  Supervisors are generally those who work daily with participants.  Mentors are available to assist participants but generally do not do so on a daily basis.  

Providers  - Partner with the subscription's top-level organization to provide participants related technical or educational instruction.  If all instruction is provided by the same provider, they will have access to all participants.  If not, they will have access to participants who are assigned to the RTI provider organization for which the provider works.   

  • Authenticated providers only have access to participant users and more limited permissions than other non-participant users.



Participants with authenticated accounts, meaning they have access to their accounts, only have access to their individual account and have limited platform functionality.  Below are some general distinctions between the various types, however, clients may use them as they deem appropriate to their needs.  

Note: Most of ApprentiScope's standard reports, including those that make RAPIDS reporting easier, only include participants with an Apprentice user type.  However, reports for other participant user types can be generated using our custom report feature.  

Apprentices - participants enrolled in a registered apprenticeship

Youth Apprentices - participants enrolled in a registered apprenticeship who are under 18 years of age

Pre-Apprentices - participants enrolled in non-registered apprenticeships; often includes internships and other school-based programs, or employees doing preparatory on-the-job training or technical or educational instruction in order to possibly later enroll in an apprenticeship  

Learners - participants in work-based learning programs that are not registered apprenticeships



Applicants - Individuals who have applied to a program through the ApprentiScope Recruitment portal or applied externally but then have been created an ApprentiScope account during their applicant evaluation process. 

  • Authenticated applicants only have access to their individual account and very limited platform functionality.
  • Applicants can later be converted to a participant user type if appropriate.



Contact your Customer Success Manage for any assistance determining the most appropriate user types.