Learn how to invite participants so they create their own authenticated accounts and input their own profile & demographic data.
User Types: Regulators, Sponsors, Employer Administrators
- Before inviting apprentices, be sure to understand the distinction between managed and authenticated accounts:
- It is recommended that you send external notifications to participants before inviting them, as the invitation is sent using an ApprentiScope email that they may not recognize:
Step 1: Click INVITE on the Navigation Bar
Step 2: Confirm that "Authenticated" is highlighted, and Click "Invite External Users"
Step 3: Select the Participants Employer from the Dropdown & Click Continue
Step 4: Complete the Invite Users Boxes and Click ADD+
Select the participants User Type as appropriate. Enter their email address, and select their occupation.
- Note: You will then be given the chance to add additional participants with the same employer, before sending out the official invitations.
Step 5: After Adding all the Participants you want to invite, Click SEND INVITATIONS
The "Send Invitations" button will not be highlighted until ADD+ has been clicked for at least 1 participant.
- Note: After clicking SEND INVITATIONS, participants will receive the email below from notifications@apprentiscope.com inviting them to create their account and log into the platform.
Step 6: Once an invited participant creates an account, they will appear on the appropriate PARTICIPANTS list.
Step 6: To review participants who have been invited but not yet created their accounts, Click MANAGE on the navigation bar and then INVITATIONS
This page will show you the date you sent out an invitation and whether it has been reviewed or not.
- Note: When participants complete their account login, they will disappear from the Manage Users-Invitations tab.
Step 7: To Revoke or Resend an Invitation before it is accepted, hover over the participant's name and click the 3 Vertical Dots that will appear at the end of the row.
- Note: DO NOT RESEND AN INVITATION BY JUST REPEATING THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. Doing so may lead to duplicate participant accounts. Instead either:
- 1) Revoke the invitation and then resend the invitation using the steps 1-4 above, OR
- 2) Copy the Invitation Link and email it directly to the participant if they are not able to locate the initial invitation email from ApprentiScope.