How to Add Partner Organizations & Create Partner User ApprentiScope Accounts

Learn how to add partner organizations and create ApprentiScope accounts for partner users (administrators, supervisors, mentors, instructors etc).

Partners on ApprentiScope are the organizations and/or educational institutions at which apprentices complete their on-the-job training or related technical (educational) coursework.

This articles provides instructions on how to:

1. Add partner organizations to ApprentiScope

  • Before individual users from an organization can be given accounts on ApprentiScope, their organization must be added.

2. Invite partner users (employees) to create an ApprentiScope authenticated account 

  • If you want partner users to have immediate access to ApprentiScope, use this method.

3. Create managed accounts for partner users (employees)

  • If you want to create an account for a user but not give them immediate access, use this method.

4. Convert managed accounts to authenticated accounts

  • If you want to give users with managed accounts actual platform access, follow these instructions. 
  • 2 sets of instructions are provide below. 1) If you are authenticating very few partner users.  2) Authenticating a large number of partner users simultaneously.

Adding a Partner Organization to ApprentiScope

Before you can create an account for a partner employee, you first must add their organization/institution to the platform.

Step 1: Navigate to PARTNERS on the Blue Navigation Bar and Select Either Employers or Providers.

  • Employers are organizations that provide on-the-job training (OJT) for apprentices.
  • Providers are organizations that provide related technical or educational coursework (RTI) for apprentices.

Step 2: Click CREATE+ and Complete the New Employer or Education Provider box.  Click SAVE.

  • Only employer/provider organization name is required.  All other fields can be entered or edited at any time by clicking on the name of the organization from the Partner-Employer or Provider main page.

After saved:

Invite Partner Users (employees) to create an ApprentiScope Authenticated Account 

If you want a partner user to have immediate access to Apprentiscope, you will need to invite them to create their own authenticated account.  Once the steps below are completed, the user will receive an email from ApprentiScope with a link to create their account.  If a partner user already has a managed account skip to instructions below for converting their account to authenticated.

Step 1: Navigate to INVITE on the navigation bar

Step 2: Confirm that the "Authenticated" tab is highlighted in the top, left corner.

Step 3A:  Click "Invite Teammates" to invite a user who you want to have the same platform access that you have (usually sponsor access).  

You will then need to enter their email address, click ADD+ and then SENT INVITATIONS.  Skip to Step 7.


3B: Click "Invite External Users" to invite partner users who you want to have lower-level access to the platform (usually employer administrators, supervisors, mentors, or educational providers/instructors)

Note: Review the following link to determine the user type you prefer. 

ApprentiScope User Types

Step 4: For External Users, click the employer drop-down arrow to select the new user's employer organization & click CONTINUE.


Step 5: Complete the "Invite Users" Box and Click ADD+

Select user type as administrator, supervisor, mentor, or provider (instruction/education). 

Enter the user's email address.

For mentors only, select their occupation. 

Note: You will then be given the chance to add additional users from that same employer, by inputting their information and clicking Add+, before sending out invitations.  

Step 6: After adding all the partner users you want to invite from that employer, click SEND INVITATIONS.

The "Send Invitations" button will not be highlighted until ADD+ has been clicked for at least 1 user.

Note: After clicking SEND INVITATIONS, users will receive an email from inviting them to create their account. 

Step 7: To review who has been invited but not yet accepted their invitation by creating their account, Click MANAGE on the navigation bar and then "Invitations".

This page will show you the date you sent out an invitation to each user and whether it has been reviewed or not.  

NOTE: When a user creates his/her account, they will disappear from the Manage Users-Invitations tab and reappear on the Manage Users - Users tab. 

Step 8: To Revoke or Resend an Invitation before it is accepted, hover over the users name and click the 3 Vertical Dots that will appear at the end of the row. 

NOTE: DO NOT RESEND AN INVITATION BY JUST REPEATING THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE.  Doing so may lead to duplicate user accounts. Instead, either:

1) Revoke the invitation and then resend the invitation using the steps above, OR

2) Copy the Invitation Link and email it directly to the participant if they are not able to locate the initial invitation email from ApprentiScope. 


Create managed accounts for partner users (employees)

If you want to create an account for a partner user but NOT give them immediate access to Apprentiscope, you will need to create a managed account for them.  At anytime later, you can give them access to their ApprentiScope account by converting their managed account to an authenticated account.

Step 1: Navigate to INVITE on the navigation bar.

Step 2: Click the "Managed" tab at the top of the page OR click "Add Managed User" toward the bottom, center of the page, and then Click GET STARTED. 


Step 3: Click the Employer drop-down arrow, Select the employer of the user you want to create a managed account for, and Click CONTINUE.

Step 4: Complete the "Add Users" Section and Click the + Button

Note: You can add as many users at this same employer as you like by repeating this step.  The Occupation box is only required for mentor user types.

Step 5: After adding all partner users from that employer, click CREATE USERS +.


  • The "Create Users +" button will not be highlighted until + has been clicked for at least 1 user.
  • Once "Create Users +" is clicked, the managed account will be created and that user's account will appear on the MANAGE page (blue navigation bar) under the "Users" tab. 


Convert managed accounts to authenticated accounts (Option 1)

Note: Use Option 1 if you only need to authenticate a few accounts.

Step 1: Navigate to MANAGE on the navigation bar 

Note: Accounts that show "Active" on the far right are already authenticated. Accounts that show "Managed" can be converted.

Step 2: Click the name of the partner user you want to convert, and then Click the Edit (pencil) Icon in the top, right corner of their Profile Details page

Step 3: Click the blue AUTHENTICATE button in the top, right corner

Note: When AUTHENTICATE is clicked, the partner user will receive an email asking them to reset their password (since technically they already had an account).  Once they follow the instructions given, they will be able to log into ApprentiScope.

Note: Use Option 1 if you only need to authenticate a few accounts.

Convert managed accounts to authenticated accounts (Option 2)

Note: Use Option 2 if you are authenticating a large number of accounts.  It allows you to describe ApprentiScope to partner users and why they are receiving this information and allows them to access the platform all in one. 

Step 1: Create an email addressed to the users you want to convert (outside of ApprentiScope)

Step 2: In that email, direct recipients to use this Recovery Link

Instruct them to enter their email address and follow the password recovery steps.

Once they have completed password recovery, they will be Authenticated and have access to their ApprentiScope account.  You can confirm their changed account type by navigating to the Manage page.