By creating Occupation Templates, Sponsors can build occupation frameworks, then deploy customized versions to each of their employers to fit their individual needs. Best of all, it’s super easy to do.
User Types: Regulators, Sponsors & Employer Administrators
Step 1: To convert an existing Occupation to an Occupation Template, navigate to the Occupation Details page for one of your current occupations.
Step 2: Click the Edit icon (shown below) in the top right corner.
Step 3: Then, locate the switch on the right side that is labeled Template and click it to toggle it to the on the position as shown below.
Step 4: Lastly, click the blue Save button in the right corner of the dialog box to save your changes.
Note: Once you've toggled the Template switch on, the Employers who have access to the Occupation will be able to create their own versions of it, but they will not be able to alter your original template.
Step 5 (optional): Read this article to learn how to create a new Employer version from the new occupation template.