Read below to learn more about how ApprentiScope handles seat overages.
User Types: Regulators, Sponsors & Employer Administrators
Apprentice Seat Count
- Every ApprentiScope customer has an allocated number of ApprentiScope seats dedicated to apprentice users.
- Once you have exceeded your apprentice seat count, the following will occur:
- We will request a meeting to discuss the seat overage and help you plan for continued growth
- We will help you choose a seat tier that best fits your needs
- We will send you a prorated invoice based on the change
Prorated Invoice
- ApprentiScope will credit your account with your existing contract value and re-invoice you for the difference.
- If we are unable to get in touch with you, we will choose the next highest seat tier and issue an invoice to be paid on Net 30 terms.
Avoid Seat Overage
- Read this support article to learn more about how to manage your apprentice user seats.