Learn how to map RAPIDS fields to your users.
Use these validation rules when Batch Uploading RAPIDS data or Creating Managed Users.
a. Required Fields
- email: must be a valid email that isn't already associated with an ApprentiScope account
- user_type: must be either apprentice or applicant
- first_name: must be a string of length greater than zero
- last_name: must be a string of length greater than zero
- address: must be a string of length greater than zero
- city: must be a string of length greater than zero
- state: full state name of the user (or N/A)
- zip: must be a string of length equal to 5
b. Optional Fields
phone: a string of length 10
- apprentice_status: choose one of the following options
- active
- suspended
- exited
- completed
- program_start_date: string in this format YYYYMMDD
- program_completion_date: string in this format YYYYMMDD
- program_exit_date: string in this format YYYYMMDD
- program_suspension_date: string in this format YYYYMMDD
date_of_birth: string in this format YYYYMMDD
- ssn: a string in this format xxx-xx-xxxx
- gender: choose the number that corresponds to one of the following options
- 1 - Male
- 2 - Female
- 9 - Participant did not self-identify
ethnicity_hispanic_latino: choose the number that corresponds to one of the following options
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
- 9 - Participant did not self-identify
american_indian_alaskan_native, asian, black_african_american, native_hawaiian_other_pacific_islander & white: choose the number that corresponds to one of the following options
- 1 - Yes
- 0 - No
- 9 - Participant did not self-identify
- 1 - Veteran
- 2 - Non-Veteran
- 3 - Non Veteran, Other Eligible Individual
- 4 - Veteran, Eligible
- 9 - Participant did not self-identify
- disability_status: choose the number that corresponds to one of the following options
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
- 3 - Participant did not self-identify
- employment_status: choose the identifier that corresponds to one of the following options
- NE - New Employee
- EE - Existing Employee
- career_connection: choose the identifier that corresponds to one of the following options
- N - None
- P - Pre-Apprenticeship
- T - Technical Training School
- M - Military Veterans
- J - Job Corps
- Y - YouthBuild
- C - Career Center Referral
- S - School-to-Registered Apprenticeship
- education_level: choose the identifier that corresponds to one of the following options
- 1 - Not High School Graduate
- 3 - High School Graduate (or equivalent)
- 6 - Some College or Associates Degree
- 7 - Bachelor's Degree
- 8 - Master's Degree
- 9 - Doctorate or Professional Degree
- 5 - Participant did not self-identify
- rapids_number: a string of length 12, like AS0000000002
The following IDs are ApprentiScope IDs and can be pulled from the URL address when you click on an occupation, employer, provider, or cohort in the platform.
- occupation_id: ApprentiScope's unique identifier for the user's Occupation
- employer_id: ApprentiScope's unique identifier for the user's Employer
For example, the occupation_id for the occupation Numerical Control Machine Operator in the screenshot below is the last string of highlighted numbers/letters in the URL address. By clicking on an employer in the platform, you would find their employer_ID in the same location.
Note: Even though you are asked to select an employer and occupation BEFORE you upload your csv, the IDs you enter in the csv will override that initial selection. If all the participants on your CSV are in the same occupation with the same employer, you can leave these 2 columns blank.
The following are also ApprentiScope IDs that can be located the same way. They will default to unassigned if left blank.
- provider_id: ApprentiScope's unique identifier for the user's Education Provider
- cohort_id: ApprentiScope's unique identifier for the user's Cohort