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  3. Tracking Related Technical Instruction (RTI) & Grades

How to Track RTI Course Progress Without or in Addition to Submitting RTI Hours

Learn how to input a semester, grade, or complete/incomplete status for an RTI course without submitting or impacting OJT hours.

Note:  Currently, an RTI course can be marked as complete in ApprentiScope by:

  • submitting the hours required for the course (via RTI hour submission or QR code), OR
  • by marking its status as complete in the RTI Details box (no hour submission required).

This articles explain how to do the latter.  In addition to completion, the following data can be entered in the RTI Details box.  The RTI Details box itself is not viewable by participants.  Participants can only see if a course's status is marked as complete, which will appear on their RTI progress page.  

  • Semester the course is or will be taken
  • Final Grade - A - F
  • Completion Date
  • Notes

Step 1: Click an Apprentice's Name to Access their Profile Details page

Note: By default you will be on their Progress tab, showing their OJT competencies.


Step 2: Click the RTI oval to view the participant's RTI competencies.

Step 3: Click the Title of any RTI Course to open the RTI Details box for that course

Step 4: Complete any of the Optional Information and Click SAVE 

The options are:

HOURS - These are pulled from any RTI hours that have been submitted to that course through the regular RTI or QR Code submission methods.  Hours can not be edited here, and hours will not be impacted in any way by RTI Details entered.

Semester - This is a text field in which you can enter the semester the course will or should be taken or any other consistent marker for this course.

Status - This allows you to officially mark the course as complete.  It is by default set to "incomplete".  When "status" is marked as complete, the completion circle next to the RTI Course on the participant's RTI progress tab will turn blue to indicate completion.  No new or additional hours will be added to the RTI progress tab.    

Final Grade - This allows you to set a final grade earned for the course.  Entering a final grade does NOT impact Status at all and does NOT appear in the participant's GRADES tab.

Complete Date - This allows you to enter the date the course was completed or the date completion was entered.   

Notes - This allows you to enter your own notes.

Once information is entered, it can be edited, but only the most recent information will be saved and viewable. 

The RTI Summary by Occupation Report under the Apprentice Overview REPORTS tab shows the RTI Details for all active Apprentices.



RTI Details Box - Only STATUS has been entered and marked "complete".  The box reflects that "0" hours have been submitted to date for this course.

Participant's RTI Progress Tab After RTI Details Box Saved - The only change is that the Blueprint Reading with GD&T course has now been marked complete, as designated by the blue circle with the white checkmark.  The hours submitted still reflect "0" and no hours are added to the OJT Hours overview bar.