How to Change Default Evaluation Scales for Pre-Set Competency Evaluations

Learn how to set custom competency evaluations by changing the default criteria on pre-set competency evaluations.

Note: For all programs with competency and hybrid training approaches, each work requirement/competency has:

  • a default performance evaluation - allowing each requirement to be assessed on the default scale below and for comments to be added
  • a default completion threshold of 75% - when the participant is rated "satisfactory" or "excellent" that competency requirement is marked as complete 

To change the default evaluation scales:

Step 1: Click the Occupations tab, and then Click:

  • the Name of the occupation you want to add evaluations for, and
  • the Work Process tab.

Step 2:  Click the Requirement Needing a Competency Evaluation & Scroll Down to the "Custom Evaluation Fields" Section


Step 3:  Enter Your Custom Evaluation Scale Options & Click "Add+"

Each rating you add, will show above the edit boxes.  You can change the order of the ratings by changing the number in the "Order" edit box.  Use the pencil icon to make edits or the garbage icon next to a rating to delete it.

Step 4:  Once Your Scale is Set, Select How It Will Apply

Note: If you click "apply to all", this custom rating scale will automatically apply to all competency requirements of this TYPE in this program.  If not, it will only apply to this requirement. 

Step 5:  Click "Save"


To set a custom competency completion threshold

Step 1:  Click the Settings/Gear Icon in the Toolbar

Step 2:  Select the Users Apprentices tabs


Step 3:  Scroll Down to Performance Evaluations - Competency Completion Threshold & Select Your Threshold


  • The threshold applies to all your competencies for all your programs/occupations.
  • Once a participant is rated as competent based on the scale and threshold, that requirement will be marked as complete (assuming any additional time-based requirement, if applicable, is also met).