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  3. On-the-Job Training (OJT) - Hours & Competency Evaluations

How to Edit or Delete Participant OJT Submissions

Learn how to edit or delete OJT hours submitted by participants.

User Types: Regulators, Sponsors, Employer Administrators, Supervisors & Mentors

Step 1: Navigate to the Participants > Overview tab

  • Note: Supervisors & mentors navigate to the Apprentice tab

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Step 2: Click on the Apprentice whose hours you need to edit

Step 3: Click the Summary button

Step 4: Find the Submission to Edit by adjusting the Start and End Dates (as needed) and Click the Submission to Edit from the List 

  • Submissions that are marked APPROVED cannot be edited or deleted.

Step 5: Edit the Submission Hours by Clicking the Number or the Word "hours" 

Step 6: Click the Submit Hours Checkmark to Save the Edit

  • Click the garbage icon to delete the submission entirely.
  • Click the X to close out the page without making changes.

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