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How to Track Participant Notes & Communications Using Case Management

Learn how to track internal notes, communications & supportive services for participants one participant at a time.

User Types: Regulators, Sponsors, Employer Administrators, Supervisors, Mentors & Providers

  • If you need additional information on what Case Management is, please read our article Overview: Case Management & Communication
  • The Case tab allows you to track notes on and communication with participants.  The Case tab is internal, meaning it is only viewable to non-participants.  However, there is one type of communication - the reminder - that can be used to directly contact a participant. 
  • For non-participant user types with Batch Action access, identical Notes & Communications can be created for multiple participants simultaneously (see How to Use Batch Action Case Management).  Only individual Case Management is discussed below.
  • Standard Reports (for those with access) exist for Participant Case Notes and Participant Case Communications (see Overview: Case Management & Communications).

Step 1: Navigate to a Participant's Profile Details page & Click the Case Tab

  • Scroll down to Notes, Communications, or Substantive Services depending on which you need to track.

Step 2: Create an Note by Clicking NEW+ on the Notes Section

  • Complete the note box and hit submit.  
  • The Notes section will retain a running list of each note submitted. 

Step 3: Record a Communication with a Participant or Send a Reminder to a Participant by Clicking NEW+ on the Communications Section.

  • Complete the communication box and hit submit.  
  • NOTE: The only "type" of communication that participants can see/receive is a REMINDER.  If you select it in the "Type" box on the screen below, it will send a reminder to the participant, if their account is authenticated, on the date you set as the Send Date.  
  • The Communications section will retain a running list of each communication submitted. 

Step 4: Record Supportive Services Provided to a Participant by Clicking NEW+ on the Supportive Services Section 

  • Complete the supportive services box and hit submit. 
  • You will only be able to complete the GRANT field if you have the Grants Management package, which allows you to assign grants to participants and collect grant-related data directly from them. 
  • Without the package, you can still indicate the grant in the service name or justification fields, and download a standard Participant Supportive Services csv report to view these recordings for all participants. 

Step 5: To Edit a Case Note, Communication, or Substantive Service hover over & click the listing, make the changes, and click Update.

Step 6: To Delete a Case Note, Communication, or Substantive Service, click the 3 vertical dots to the right of the listing and click Delete.

  • Note: This will delete the note, communication, or substantive service record for this participant only. 
    • If you are deleting a Communication - REMINDER that has already been sent, it will not pull back that reminder. 
    • In addition, if a recorded note or reminder is based on a batch action or is a recurring reminder, it will not change it for any other participant's record or change the pre-set recurring reminder; it will only delete the documentation for this particular participant. 

If you have questions or need help, please submit a Support Ticket here