How to Conduct Competency Evaluations for Participants

Learn how to complete competency performance evaluations for on-the-job training (OJT) requirements for your particpants.

Technical Competency Evaluations are used to assess on-the-job training competencies set for any competency or hybrid-based occupation/program. 

 Technical Competency Evaluations can be generated and completed in 3 ways:

1. Apprentice-Requested Competency Evaluations - Apprentices with platform access can request an evaluation of any individual or group of competencies to be completed by any authorized user with access to their account.

2. NEW (April 2024) - Direct Competency Evaluations (if function is turned on by sponsor) - Users with access to apprentice accounts can evaluate any or all competencies at any time without an apprentice request.

3. Drop-Down Competency Evaluations - Users with access to apprentice accounts can evaluate any or all competencies at any time without an apprentice request.  This is a more limited evaluation method.  It does not allow comments to be added & no record is maintained under Performance Evaluations, so when the next evaluation on that competency is completed, the previous will be wiped.

Apprentice-Requested Competency Evaluations

Step 1: For Sponsors and Administrators, Click Apprentices > Performance from the Navigation Bar

Step 1:  For Supervisors & Mentors, Click Performance from the Navigation Bar

             Sponsor & Administrator View                                         Supervisor and Mentor View          


Step 2:  If apprentices have requested any competencies under the Competency tab, click START EVALUATION to complete the evaluation.

  • The number in the circle to the right of the start evaluation button indicates the number of competencies an apprentice has requested to have evaluated.
  • Users responsible for conducting apprentice evaluations will receive a notification when an apprentice requests evaluations.

  • The evaluation will allow you to select a status assessment for the competency & add an optional comment.  

  • If the status you select meets the completion threshold for the competency, it will be marked as complete by a checkmark in a blue circle on the apprentice's profile details -progress tab.

  • At the bottom of the apprentice's profile details - progress tab under Performance Evaluations, there will be an indicator of when the evaluation was conducted and by whom. 
  • Apprentices receive a notification when evaluations are completed and can click on them to view their overall status scores and any comments.


Direct Competency Evaluation Instructions

Note: The "Direct Competency Evaluations" function must be turned on under SETTINGS-Users-Apprentices by an authorized user.

Step 1: For Sponsors and Administrators, Click Apprentices > Overview from the Navigation Bar / For Supervisors & Mentors, Click Apprentices from the Navigation Bar


Step 2:  Click the name of the apprentice you would like to complete a competency evaluation for, which will take you to their Progress tab.


Step 3:  Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Performance Evaluations section

Step 4: Click the NEW+ button & Click Start Evaluation for the Competency Evaluation (there may be other evaluations listed on the same page)

Step 5: Complete the evaluation in whole or part

  • An evaluation will come up that allows you to evaluate ALL the OJT competencies for that apprentice.  You can complete an assessment of any or all of the competencies by clicking the appropriate status and adding an optional comment.  Once you have completed assessments for all the competencies you would like at that time, hit Submit.  

  • If the status you select for any competency meets the completion threshold for that competency, it will be marked as complete by a checkmark in a blue circle on the apprentice's profile details -progress tab.

  • At the bottom of the apprentice's profile details - progress tab under Performance Evaluations, there will be an indicator of when the evaluation was conducted and by whom. 
  • Apprentices receive a notification when evaluations are completed and can click on them to view their overall status scores and any comments.

  • The next time a NEW competency evaluation is opened, the current status for any previously-evaluated competency will be listed in the top-right corner.


Drop-Down Evaluation Instructions

Step 1: For Sponsors and Administrators, Click Apprentices > Overview from the Navigation Bar / For Supervisors & Mentors, Click Apprentices from the Navigation Bar

Step 2:  Click the name of the apprentice you would like to complete a competency evaluation for, which will take you to their Progress tab.


Step 3:  To the right of each competency listed, there is a status drop down.  Click the ∇ icon to view the assessment ratings possible and select the appropriate one.

  • If the rating you select meets the required level (marked in blue), the blue circle with the checkmark next to the competency will turn blue to indicate that the competency has been marked complete. 

Note: No comments can be added to drop-down evaluations, and there will be no evaluation listed in the apprentice's Performance Evaluation section of their progress tab.  The new status will appear on the apprentice's progress tab next to the competency.