How to Review, Modify, & Approve Participants' On-the-Job Training (OJT) Submissions

Learn how to review and approve participant's OJT hour submissions.

By default, the following user types have access to this functionality unless the permission has been disabled by a program executive.

Sponsors - Administrators - Supervisors - Mentors

There are 2 main ways to review and approve submissions.  Note: The system will show all hours regardless of approval.  However, some programs may require that hours be officially approved. 

Option 1: Work Summary

Before reviewing an individual participant's OJT submissions in detail, you have the option of reviewing the submission status for all of your participants at once to see who has made submissions, how many submissions, and how many hours during a date range you set.  This page will also allow you to approve those submissions, without viewing any more details, AND sending reminder emails to participants who have not yet submitted their hours.  See steps 1-3 below show for those instructions.

Option 2: Participant Profile Details

You can go directly to a participant's profile details page to review their submissions in full detail and approve them.  See steps 4-6 for those instructions.   

OPTION 1 - Work Summary

Step 1:  Sponsors & Administrators - Navigate to Activities > Work Summary

Step 1:  Supervisors & Mentors - Navigate to Work Summary

Note: Supervisors and mentors have a slightly different screen view but the process remains the same.

               Sponsor & Administrator View                             

Supervisor & Mentor View

Step 2: Check the Time Period on the Work Summary Page

By default, the time period is set for the current week.  You can select week or month using the down arrow icon and use the < > buttons to set the specific week or month to review.

You will see all of your participants, whether they have submitted hours or not, and if so, how many submissions and total hours during the date range set.

Note:  The Verify Hours button is NOT used to review or approve apprentice hours.

Step 3: Review Participant Submission Statuses on the Work Summary Page 

You will see a submission status button on the far right of each apprentice:

APPROVED√√  - means all the apprentice's hours have been approved for that period

APPROVE→ (in a blue oval) - means the apprentice has hours that still need to be approved for that period

REMIND> (in a gray oval) - means the apprentice has not submitted any hours for that period If the oval is greyed out, the apprentice cannot be reminded because they do not have platform access and thus no notifications through the platform.  If the oval is not greyed out, you can click it to send that participant an automated reminder to submit their hours for the set time period.

Note:  The Verify Hours button is NOT used to review or approve apprentice hours.

You will see a submission status button on the far right of each apprentice:

Step 4:  Select Approve→ to Automatically Approve the Submissions and Hours 

Note: By clicking this button, the hours will be approved immediately.  You will not be able to review them in greater detail.  If you'd like to review the submissions in greater detail, go to Step 5. 


Step 5: Click an Individual Apprentice's Name (in blue) to Navigate to their Profile Details Page (this will take you to Option 2 - Step 2 below)


Step 1:  Navigate to Participants - Select the Type of Participant - and Click the Participant's Name OR Click the participants' name from any other page on the platform.


Step 2:  On the Participant's Profile Details Page, Click the Summary Button 

The Summary button will open the Progress Summary page, which shows by date each time submission (RTI & OJT). The type will appear under the submission date.

Note:  Submission dates will only be shown for the dates that fall within the Start and End Date boxes set at the top of the Progress Summary.  Click, the calendar icon on the Start and End Dates to change them.   

Step 3:  To Review, Edit, or Delete any Submission, Click the DATE to open its Details

Scroll down the page to see all the competencies and if and, if so, how many hours were submitted.  If a participant submitted an attachment with their submission, it will show at the bottom of the page.  Simply click an attachment to view it.  

If no edit is required, click X in the top right corner to go back to the Progress Summary page.

To delete the full submission, click the trash can icon in the top right corner.

To edit any hours, click on and change the hours, and then click the √ on the top right to save the update. 

You will be taken back to the Progress Summary page where you can approve submissions or check additional submissions.

Step 4:  Approve Submission(s)

Click the APPROVE√ button to approve an individual submission, OR

Click the Approve √√ button at the top of the page to approve all the participant's listed submissions at once.  NOTE: This will approve ALL submissions - OJT & RTI.

Once approved, the date submission will change to the gray approved button with the date it was approved.