Learn more about Occupation ownership in ApprentiScope.
User Types: Regulators, Sponsors & Employer Administrators
Employer Accounts
- Single location Employer customers will automatically own all occupations they create. Because there are no other user types further up in the hierarchy within their account (such as Sponsors and Regulators), they will only see the occupations they have created.

Employer in a Sponsor's Account
- Employer users within a Sponsor's ApprentiScope account can create their own occupations using the Create Occupation button (if their Sponsor has enabled that permission). Each occupation they create will show up on their My Occupations page.

- Employer users can also see all the occupations their Sponsor owns on their Sponsor Owned Occupation page.
- The Employer user cannot edit the Sponsor's occupation, but they can:
- Enroll apprentices directly into the occupation
- Duplicate the occupation to create their own copy
- Note: Sponsors can disable an Employer's ability to create or duplicate occupations.
Sponsor Accounts
- When a Sponsor creates an occupation inside their account, they will automatically own it and have sole editing rights. They can view their occupations on their Occupations page under the My Occupations filter. Sponsors can view & manage occupations owned by their Employers on their Occupation page under the Employer Owned filter.
- Employers under Sponsor accounts cannot edit occupations created by their Sponsors, but they can:
- View them on their Occupations page using the Sponsor Owned filter
- Enroll apprentices directly into them
- Duplicate them to make versions owned by their company
- Note: If the Sponsor doesn't want Employers to be able to duplicate Sponsor Owned occupations or edit occupation versions created for them, they can toggle off the Edit Occupations permission for Administrators on their Settings & Permissions page.
Regulator Accounts
- Occupation ownership works the same for Regulators, except there are two levels of ownership below the Regulator, Sponsors & Employers, collectively referred to as Partner Owned occupations. Regulators can view & edit all occupations owned by their Sponsors and Employers on their Occupations page under the Partner Owned filter.
- While Sponsors & Employers in a Regulator account cannot edit occupations created by a Regulator, they can:
- See them
- Enroll apprentices directly into them
- Duplicate them to make versions owned by their company
- Regulators can disable occupation edit permissions for both Sponsors and Employers in their Settings & Permissions.
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