How can I free up apprentice seats?

Learn how to manage your apprentice user seat count.

To free up apprentice user seats, you need to make them inactive through one of the following methods:

  1. Updating their Apprentice Status to Suspended, Completed or Exited
  2. Updating their User Status to Deactivated
  3. Deleting their account


Updating Apprentice Status

Navigate to your Apprentice Overview page, select any number of apprentices, click the Actions button, and then select one of the following statuses:


Updating User Status

Deactivating an apprentice user will free up an apprentice seat while also retaining their historical data. To do this, navigate to your User Management page, hover over the apprentice you'd like to deactivate, click the three vertical dots, and then select Deactivate User.



Deleting an Apprentice

Deleted users cannot be recovered and should only be done if you never need to access a users data again. To do this, navigate to your User Management page, hover over the apprentice you'd like to deactivate, click the three vertical dots, and then select Delete User.


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If you have audited your apprentice seats and are still over your allotment, click here to read about what happens next.