Learn how to request a competency evaluation for an OJT competency from program personnel.
User Type: Apprentices, Pre-Apprentices, Youth Apprentices, Learners
- Competency Evaluations are only relevant to competency or hybrid programs. These are programs that require program personnel to evaluate your proficiency for each competency. Your program will notify you how to determine if and when you should request an evaluation.
- If you are required to provide your program personnel with any documentation in order for them to evaluate your competency, you will likely be asked to attach it to the competency before requesting the evaluation (see Step 2 below).
Step 1: Navigate to your Progress page on the blue navigation bar and Click the OJT button
You will see each on-the-job competency for your program listed (ex Competency 1, Competency 2).
Step 2: Optional - To attach documentation to any competency, Click the title of the Competency
Click the attach/paperclip icon and add any documents required by your program for competency evaluation.
You can click Request Evaluation directly from this popup when your attachments are uploaded, or close out the attachment popup by clicking any where outside the white box.
Step 3: When you are ready to have a competency evaluated, Click the Request Evaluation button to the far right of the competency.
Once clicked, the button will change to a gray REQUESTED button. If you click and hover over that button, you will see the date you requested the evaluation.
Your program personnel will receive notification of your request and complete the evaluation.
Step 4A: If your competency is given a rating that makes it complete, the Requested button will change to a white checkmark in a blue circle and the proficiency rating will show directly under the competency title.
Step 4B: If your competency is given a rating that makes it not complete, the rating will still show under the competency title, but the Requested button will change back to a Request Evaluation button, so you can request another evaluation in the future after additional work.
Step 5: Navigate to the Performance page on the blue navigation bar and Click Submitted to view all your evaluations. Click any specific evaluation to view its details, including any comments from program personnel.
Note: You can receive email and in-platform notifications for the following competency evaluation changes if you have them toggle on (blue) under your Account - My Profile - Settings.